Friday, August 30, 2024

Friends & Fall Ball

We now have completed three weeks of school, wow! It seems like we just took those first-day pics! The kids have transitioned well to their new classes. Each day, they come home with positive (and often entertaining!) stories from the day. I am proud of them for making new friends, working hard, and getting good reports from their teachers. So far the year is off to a great start. Here are some pictures from life in 2nd Grade. 

On the weekends, we have tried to balance some much-needed rest with fun family activities. On Saturday the 17th, we went to the annual Honeybee Festival at 4th of July Park. We made the loop through the park and looked at each of the vendors. As you can guess, many sell honey/honeybee themed products. The police department was giving away free stuffed animals, and the kids were thrilled to get new squishmallows. Emmy also won a t-shirt from a radio station by spinning the wheel. You can see Boomer loaded down with a big haul of stickers, coloring books, hats, and more! 
Emmy has had some fun activities with friends lately. She was invited to a pool play date with her friend Peyton, and she celebrated her friend Natalie's birthday with a princess-themed party. In the parking lot, there was a big monster truck with wheels that were taller than she was! It made for a funny picture with Emmy in her pretty princess dress next to the huge truck. 
Fall ball has continued for both kids with practices during the week and on Saturdays. This past Saturday, they had team pictures. Daddy did a great job getting pictures of Eli. We were a little more rushed getting pictures of Emmy. I snapped a quick one as she changed out of her dress from Natalie's party, transforming from princess to ball player. It's really neat that the jerseys have their last names on it this year. Go #8 and #12!

One other bit of excitement, Emmy lost a tooth, bringing the total tooth count to 9 (I think!) She couldn't wait to put it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy. She had remembered that the Tooth Fairy did a scavenger hunt last time, and she excitedly told Eli "We're gonna have a scavenger hunt in the morning!" Oh boy, lesson learned about going above and beyond! She lost the tooth on Sunday night, so we were a bit rushed on Monday morning as the kids ran around the house to find Emmy's money. The reward was $3, and Emmy went off to school excited to show off the new hole in her mouth.  

We are looking forward to the Labor Day weekend ahead and for the return of football. Here are a few other pictures from August. 

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