Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Emmy's First Day of 2nd Grade

All the Kennedys are officially back in school. Emmy had her first day on Monday, and I could tell that she was excited to start 2nd Grade. We received the supply list in the mail a few days beforehand, and we made a special trip to the store to buy the items she needed. Much like at Claire's, she made careful decisions about each of the items. Unfortunately the Open Houses across the district were cancelled last Thursday due to the tropical storm, so we were not able to meet her teacher ahead of time. Thanks to a video from Aunt Megan, Emmy did get a sneak peek of her classroom and at her desk. On the first day, I met Megan and Maddox in the school parking lot, and Emmy got to walk in with them. I know that she enjoys being a 'staff kid' in the mornings. Throughout the day, I loved getting pictures from Megan of Emmy with her teacher and with her friend Natalie at lunchtime. Her first day's assignment was an "About Me" bag. She eagerly collected her items Monday night. She chose: a small pink elephant (for her favorite color), a seashell (for something she collects), a 3-D drawing (for something she likes to do - crafts), a few coins from England (for something she did this summer), and a picture of our family. She couldn't wait to share her "About Me" bag the very next day. I pray that she always has her passion and excitement for learning. It's going to be a great year!

(Day 3)
Emmy wasn't the only one with a first day this week. I had my first day today, and I'm kicking off year 16 in education. Again this year I am working at both Forbush HS and Starmount HS. I am spending two days a week at each school and rotating every other Wednesday. It is such a relief to not also be starting an internship or a new graduate school class. Whew I'm glad those days are behind me! 

In addition to school, we've continued with practices for fall ball and gymnastics. The kids are noticeably improving their skills, and they seem enthusiastic about the sports they are involved in. Boomer and I really enjoy watching them as they learn and grow. With all the practices and busy evenings, we often find ourselves scarfing down fast food before going to the field or to the gym. In some ways, it feels like summer didn't even happen - we are right back to our routine from the spring. Everyone has been in good spirits this week, and we are chugging right along to the weekend. Eli was all smiles this evening at Taco Bell before his t-ball practice.  

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