Saturday, August 3, 2024

Our Summer To-Do List Recap

 As I do before the start of each new school year, I enjoy looking back at our Summer To-Do List. I am happy to report that we crossed off every single item: 

1. England (Bakewell!)

2. Ocean Isle Beach
3. Rodeo

4. Piedmont Aviation Snack Bar
5. Bowman Gray
6. Cupcake Cuties
7. Practice new skills (biking, swimming, volleyball)

8. Indoor trampoline park

9. Stone Mountain

10. Visit Daddy at work

You'll notice that an 11th item was added to the list, and we absolutely checked it off. We didn't just have some fun; we had A LOT of fun! I may even say that 2024 has been our very best summer yet! We are entering the new school year with full hearts after a wonderful two months together!

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