Sunday, September 8, 2024

Labor Day Weekend & All the Sports

We celebrated the unofficial end of summer with one last trip to the lake over Labor Day weekend. Before going to the lake, Boomer and I had a double date with the Keys on Friday night to the Dash game. We used our last tickets to the Flow Club, and there is already talk of getting the same ticket package again next year. On Saturday, both kids had ball practice in the morning, so it was a little after 2PM before we were on the road to Lake Tillery. We arrived around 4PM, and the kids headed straight for the water. They enjoyed a short swim before dinner, and then we went on a boat cruise after dinner. It was the perfect time of day, a golden hour just before sunset. On Sunday, there was much more time for swimming and boat rides. The other Kennedy cousins arrived before noon, and we were all together for several hours through dinner time. We traveled home to Kernersville late Sunday evening and had time at home before the week began. Monday was spent completing chores, like laundry and mowing grass, with a trip to the park squeezed in too. 

Boomer was recognized locally at this month's school board meeting for his state CTE Administrator of the Year award. Here is he pictured with John Kirkman, the Executive Director of NCACTE, and YCS Superintendent Anthony Davis. I am still so proud of him for this big award, and he is so deserving of the recognition. 
This past weekend had a lot of fun activities too. Friday started with a celebration for Grandparents Day at Eli's preschool. He rode to school with Grammy and Grandpa, and they had breakfast together. Grammy pointed out just how many of these breakfasts they have attended over the years between the four grandkids, with this one being the final one. I realize that these preschool years have been very special, not just for me, but for everyone in our kiddos' lives. 

On Friday evening, while Boomer was at the big rivalry football game between Starmount and Forbush, the kids and I met up with Emmy's friend Casey and her mom Kate for ice cream. These two silly girls always have a fun time together. 
On Saturday, the t-ball season started for Eli and the Orioles. He was so excited to put on his full uniform and take the field. The fall ball rules are similar to the spring: three innings, everyone bats. Eli played shortstop, 1st base, and pitcher; he definitely likes to be in on all the action. It was a beautiful day to be at the ballfield.  

In the evening, we went to Winston for the ACC opener of Wake Forest versus Virginia. It was a late kickoff at 7PM, so we went into it knowing that we would likely not make it until the end. The kids were so engaged in all the pre-game activities. They especially loved the Deac riding in on the motorcycle and the flyover and fireworks during the National Anthem. There were some yawns around halftime, and at the end of the 3rd Quarter, we made our way to the car. When we left, the Deacs had a 13-point lead, but sadly the Cavaliers came back to win 31-30. It was a sad way to lose a game. Hopefully we'll be back to see a win soon!
After missing last Sunday when we were at the lake, we enjoyed being back at church today. Boomer and I volunteer in KidsStreet on the second Sunday of every month, and Boomer was called up on stage for his birthday (in a couple of weeks). This year, both Emmy and Eli are doing Awana for the first time, so we returned this evening for the kickoff of the new year. The kids both had an awesome time, doing crafts, learning Bible verses, and playing games. It was a special surprise to see Emmy's preschool friend Norah at Awana. They go to different schools now, but they instantly reconnected. One other photo from the weekend, Mom and Dad gave me my belated graduation present: my framed diploma. A lot of time, money, and hard work went in to earning this piece of paper, and it is so exciting to have it beautifully framed to hang on the wall. Thank you, Mom and Dad!

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