Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Emmy's Turn

After Eli's first t-ball game on Saturday, it was Emmy's turn for her first game on Monday. The Walkertown Rockies faced off against a big (and I mean, BIG!) team from North Forsyth. While our girls were much better in the field, the girls on the other team were older and stronger, which made a big difference when they connected with the ball. I was so proud of how Emmy and all of the Rockies played. Emmy admitted to being a little nervous beforehand, but once the game started, I think the nerves went away. She got a hit each time she was at bat, and she had some awesome plays at short-stop, pitcher, and 1st base. When she was playing 1st base, she caught a ball from the pitcher to get an out, and she had several hard stops at short stop. She even executed a beautiful tag play of a runner going from 2nd to 3rd base...but sadly the umpire did not see the tag (like the rest of us did!) Boomer had a conference in Raleigh on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and he made a special trip back home on Monday evening so that he could be there for Emmy's first game. He has a pretty crucial role after all - he is the pitcher! In this league, the coaches pitch to the batters, instead of using a machine. Emmy and Boomer are certainly developing a special bond through sports. I got a kick out of their photo together, looking so tough! 

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