Friday, June 7, 2024

So long, 1st Grade!

While Emmy had her last days of school this week, Eli and I had three "Mommy Eli Days." We had some fun adventures (that we kept quiet from Sissy when we picked her up in the afternoons). On Monday, we went to the Science Center. With just one child and only one set of preferences, it was nice to let Eli pick our path through the zoo and aquarium. We were especially surprised to see just how active the new octopus Kimchi was. On Tuesday, Grammy joined us for a visit to Reynolda Gardens. We walked by the waterfall and all the way to Wake's campus. Eli also practiced his scooter and his balance bike, and he made progress with both. Of course no visit to Reynolda is complete without donuts -  yum! On Wednesday, we had a smaller adventure to the bagel shop followed by the library. Each day this week, Eli has been excited to complete pages in his preschool workbook. No one was more surprised than me by his interest! Hopefully with a little practice each day, he'll keep all his skills sharp for when he returns to school in August. I am not gonna lie, I was pretty tired in the evenings. Whew I better get my endurance up for this summer - it's looking like it will be a very active one!

On Thursday, Sedge Garden had an end-of-year awards program. I have been unable to attend similar programs in the past, but because of the staggered endings to our school years, I was able to attend this one, with Eli in tow. Emmy received two awards: Honor Roll and iReady Growth in Reading. After the program, Emmy's class had a picnic, followed by a carnival themed party. Although Eli was a little squirmy during the awards program, he was very cooperative during the party and even got to play some of the games and have some of the treats. 

Today was the official last day of school, and Megan was able to snap what has become the traditional first and last day picture of the three cousins standing in the breezeway. It is hard to believe that the eldest is heading off to 6th Grade. Emmy and I went to Zander's 5th Grade Graduation this morning, and it was a special ceremony for the graduates. We know he is going to rock middle school!
We are so proud of the way Emmy has soared through 1st Grade. She continues to get positive remarks from her teacher, and she is a kind and caring classmate. She loves to read and can sound out multiple syllable words. I've always dreamed of reading side-by-side with her on the couch or poolside, and it doesn't seem like we are too far away from that. As we drove home from school today, Emmy said "That was a fast year!" and I couldn't agree more. It is with some sadness that we say "so long" to what has been a wonderful year. Our prayer is that each year continues to bring positive growth and sweet memories for both kids.  

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