Friday, June 21, 2024

"Lookit, Mommy!"

Eli's newest phrase (which I hear no less than 50 times a day) is "Lookit, Mommy!" I'm not quite sure where he picked it up from, but rest assured, he will say it over and over until I do in fact look at whatever thing has caught his attention. He also likes to declare "This is the best day ever!", a spinoff of Emmy's phrase "This is the lifetime!" As I get to spend more time with the kids this summer, I do enjoy picking up on their sayings and jokes and the little behaviors that I don't usually see when we are apart at work and school. We will soon be off on our grand international adventure. But this week, we enjoyed adventures more local. On Monday, we went to the new Kaleideum with Grammy, Zander, and Maddox; on Tuesday, we went to the kids' summer movie with Aunt Megan and the boys; Wednesday, we went to Reynolda for some outside time and donuts (okay, mostly for donuts!); and then on Thursday, we had a pool day at the YMCA. We also fit in hair cuts for the Kennedy girls and donuts at Krispy Kreme to celebrate Maddox and Emmy's good report cards. Today, we had Daddy home with us, and we went to Local Roots for coffee and smoothies. Then Emmy was invited to a birthday playdate for her friend Avery. The girls dressed up and got their make-up, hair, and nails done. When I picked her back up after lunchtime, she looked like a real-life princess. Our girl sure is a beauty! Then this evening, Emmy was invited to a putt-putt birthday party for her kindergarten buddy Heidi. They extended the invitation to the whole family, and it was a fun evening for all of us. 

I've started the task of packing for our trip. Whew, it is a task indeed. Packing for four people, to a destination with varying temperatures and unknown activities, is challenging! But as Boomer says any time we head off on vacation, "we either have it, or we buy it!" He has been working long hours this week, and one night, he fell asleep while tucking in Emmy! This upcoming vacation will probably not provide a lot of rest, but surely a lot of memories!

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