Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day Weekend

We enjoyed a fun Father's Day weekend in Kernersville. There have been some years when our baseball trip has coincided with Father's Day, but this year, it was nice to celebrate our special guy at home. The weekend kicked off on Thursday evening with a date night to the Dash. We met our friends Jenny Alyn and Seth at the Flow Club. Even after several times of going to the Flow Club, the luxury of it still has not worn off. We feel totally spoiled and fully enjoy the unlimited food and drinks. On Friday, we went for a hike at Stone Mountain State Park in Roaring Gap, a little over an hour from our house. We parked at the upper trailhead parking area and set off around 9:45AM. It took us about an hour to reach the summit, and there were beautiful views from the top. When we arrived back to the parking area, we had a picnic lunch close to the car. I was very proud of all THREE of my hiking companions for their good attitudes and perseverance. After leaving the state park, we stopped at the Stone Mountain Country Store for ice cream and soda in glass bottles.  

On Saturday, there was a break from the Father's Day activities for a girls' spa day. Yes, we left the kids with the dads and spent the day getting massages and hanging out by the pool. We had originally tried for an earlier date, but then it just so happened that the date this year coincided with the Father's Day weekend - oops! My mom, sister, and I always enjoy this special day together. It goes by much too quickly, and even as we are leaving, we are already looking forward to next year.
The Father's Day activities resumed Saturday evening with a night of racing at Bowman Gray. After leaving from the Grandover, we met up with the dads and kids for dinner first, and then we arrived at the track around 6:30PM. The first race didn't actually start until 8PM, but we were entertained by watching qualifying (and the people in the crowd!) As usual at the Madhouse, there were several cautions and exciting crashes. I think we will be back for more racing in the future. 
Today, we went to Sunday School at church, and then we headed to Winston for lunch at East of Texas and another Dash game, our second Dash game in four days, this time with the kids in tow. Before the game, dads and kids could play catch on the field, which was a neat experience. Once the game started, a staff member from the Dash asked if we would like to move to special seats near the dugout. Even before Boomer and I could answer, the kids gave an enthusiastic 'yes!' In these seats, we were at field level and very close to the players, and Eli even got a ball from one of the pitchers. At the end of the game, the kids got to run the bases. From start to finish, Boomer declared it a Father's Day that would be "hard to beat!" 

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