Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

We just wrapped up two days filled with Christmas festivities. Thank goodness we are all healthy again! On Christmas Eve, we went to church for the Sunday morning service. That evening, we went over to Grammy and Grandpa's for appetizers and a Christmas movie. After three years in a row of The Polar Express, this year we watched Elf. Grammy made a delicious spread of dips, deviled eggs, pigs in a blanket, meatballs, and hot sandwiches. In addition to cookies, we had the Oreo dessert that Megan made. We all ate until we were stuffed! Eli and I wore matching pajamas, which were originally worn by Emmy and me. This year may be the last year that they fit one of my babies, so I was sure to get a few pictures by the tree. 

When we returned home on Christmas Eve, we said farewell to our elf friend Deacon and quickly set out the cookies and milk for Santa. Then Grammy and Grandpa came over around 9:30PM to help pull off the delivery of gifts, which were being stored at their house for safe-keeping. There was a close call when Emmy and Eli were staying with them during our anniversary getaway....but I do believe both kids were very surprised on Christmas morning. 

Emmy was the first to wake up on Christmas morning. When I looked at the video monitor, I could tell she was dressed and that she had already made her bed. Together we woke up the boys, and then the kids waited patiently on the stairs for the green light to run downstairs. From Santa, Emmy received a "pretty pink bike" as requested on her letter, and Eli got a light-up scooter. Mommy and Daddy gave them a Barbie dream house and a box full of race cars. 

As our usual tradition now, we went over to the Houstons' for breakfast and more presents. Grammy and Grandpa gave Emmy a jewelry-making kit, Eli a Chase Elliott shirt, and both kids new crocs. There were several other gifts in their stockings too: a few crafts and candy. Once the presents are all unwrapped, it's a little hard to pack up and leave; I would love to stay longer, but soon we must hit the road to Star for our final Christmas gathering.   
Around 11AM, we made our way to Star for our Christmas with the Kennedys. We arrived shortly after noon, and we snacked, decorated cookies, and watched football until around 4PM, when our third round of presents began. Our circle now has 16 people, and we each open one present, continuing around the circle until the tree is empty. Emmy's favorite gifts were another jewelry-making kit, an ice cream Play Doh set, and Fancy Nancy books. Eli was excited about every single gift he opened, especially his Hot Wheels dual-track, a 100-car carrier, and a Batman bat mobile. In Boomer's stocking, Santa left the 2008 WFU Commencement DVD, which made for a funny gift. After a big meal of ham, mac-and-cheese, mashed potatoes, corn, and other sides, we headed home around 8PM, with two kiddos whose Christmas joy finally ran out! 

It sure is nice to have a few more days off work. The kids have enjoyed playing with some of their new gifts, while Boomer and I have been working to get the house back in order. We also have some plans in the next few days to go to the movies, see the Tanglewood lights, and perhaps take a trip to the Science Center. 
Although the beginning of December brought a lot of sickness, missed days of work, and an unexpected car repair, we feel so blessed to be healthy again and to be able to enjoy this holiday season with our family. Merry Christmas from the Kennedys!


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