Sunday, June 5, 2022

Spa Day (and Emmy rides a bike!)

Here is Part 2 of our weekend! It's been such a full weekend that I decided to split it into two posts. First I can't forget that Eli got a fresh cut for summer. Look at my handsome boy!
On Saturday, Megan, Mom, and I enjoyed our annual Bakewell Girls Spa Day at the Grandover. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we had a few hours of pool time both before and after our massages. We read, talked, and just enjoyed each other's company. This tradition is one of my favorites! Afterwards, we met up with Dad to see the new Top Gun movie. The original soundtrack is one that we listened to on every road trip growing up. Over the years, there have been a few movies that we have gone to see as a family of four, and this one was at the top of the list. So good! (Plus it was a nice treat for Dad to buy popcorn and drinks!) A big 'shoutout' to Zack and Boomer for watching the kids while we were away the whole day.
Emmy had gotten an invitation to a birthday party for one of her classmates, Violet, for Saturday, and it mentioned hay rides and horseback riding - how fun! But knowing that I would not be able to take her, and since it was at a tricky time (2:30PM - right in the middle of Eli's nap), I didn't think she would be able to go. However, it all worked out with Boomer taking her and Grandpa coming over to watch Eli. Boomer sent pictures of the party, and it looked like a blast. Emmy was so brave to ride a horse without any hesitation. She also loved sitting in the big chair with her friends and having her face painted. My, how parties have ungraded since my day!
And as if the weekend wasn't full enough with a graduation, baseball game, and horseback riding, Emmy surprised us this evening by riding a bike for the first time! We were going to go for an evening walk (hence Emmy only wearing flip flops and not tennis shoes) when she asked to bring her bike. It had been given to us a few months ago by one of my parents' neighbors. I pictured either Boomer or me having to carry it around the neighborhood after Emmy tired of it, but she very quickly started pedaling all on her own. Using her cousins' balance bike the last two summers no doubt has helped her - she skipped training wheels altogether! She still needs help getting started, but I don't think it will be long until she is doing it on her own. What a big girl! Our summer is off to a fast start!

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