Sunday, June 5, 2022

Emmy's Preschool Graduation

Friday marked the official end of the school year for Emmy and Eli. I finished my last teacher workday a few days beforehand on Tuesday, and I used the kid-free time to knock out several things on my to-do list: a Goodwill run, a thorough house cleaning, a trip to the Verizon store, and of course, grad school work. It felt good to conclude the school year and now turn my attention to being Mommy for the next two months. 

On Friday morning, the kids cooperated so that I could capture a last day of school picture. Check out the comparison from the beginning of the year!

It doesn't seem like they change too much when you see them everyday, but then a side-by-side comparison really shows how much they have grown. They both have had such wonderful school years, and we could not be more thankful for where they are and the people that have been caring for them. Not only was Friday the last day of school, but it was also Emmy's graduation day. Earlier in the week, her class had a graduation party, complete with Chick-fil-A for lunch and with each graduate getting to make a Build-A-Bear puppy dog. Emmy named hers Butterscotch.
The graduation was in the afternoon at 4PM. Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Megan, Zander, and Maddox were able to come, along with Mommy and Daddy. Emmy was all smiles coming down the aisle. I wasn't quite sure how she would react in front of such a large crowd, but I was so happy to see her being the bubbly Emmy that we so often see at home. There were three graduating classes, and Emmy's class, the Penguins, did a few phonics songs, and Emmy even read from a book with two of her other classmates. During the slideshow presentation, the students exited and re-entered with their caps and gowns. Each graduates' name was called, and they were presented with a Bible. It was a very special ceremony. Emmy has grown so much this year academically, socially, and spiritually. She is very excited to be going to kindergarten. She loves school, and right now, she says that she would like to be a teacher when she grows up. Depending on the day, sometimes she also wants to be a cupcake maker. We are so proud of our Emmy girl!

Mrs. Cassi and Mrs. Melissa

After the graduation ceremony, the fun was not over yet. We joined our Sunday School class at the Dash game. The game had actually turned into a double header from a rain-out the night before, so when we got there around 7:30PM, the second game had not yet started. Emmy loved hanging out with her buddy "boy Emerson", who had also come from the graduation. As it got later, Boomer had his lap full with both kiddos wanting to be near him. We didn't quite make it to the end of the game or the fireworks. Emmy and Eli were still in good spirits when we decided to head home during the 6th inning. Even leaving early, it was quite a late night. With ice cream and late bedtimes, we broke all the rules on our first night of summer!

Here's a look at the Kennedy 2022 Summer To-Do List!

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