Saturday, April 2, 2022

Off to the Races

 I'm not sure we could have fit one more thing into today! The day started off with the annual Bakewell sisters' half marathon. After two years of virtual races, Megan and I were able to again run in an organized race. It was the Craft Half in Winston-Salem, and although it is the same race we ran in 2019, it was a different route from what we remembered. This year's course was very challenging, with several long sections of uphill. The hills were no trouble for Megan, but I struggled to keep up with her. I didn't have a PR, but I sure was relieved to see the finish line at 2:05:04. Our crew found great cheering spots along the route and then at the end. We couldn't do it without them - I always look forward to seeing them during the run. It gives me just the boost I need to go a little bit longer. After posing for a few photos at the end, we headed off for lunch together at The Loop. There's nothing like that feeling when the race is over! 

After the race and lunch, we headed home for a brief rest time. Then it was back out the door again for a birthday party for Max, one of Emmy's classmates. The party was at an indoor play area called The Kid's Clubhouse, and Emmy had so much fun going down the slides and running around with all the other kids. I thought she might be hesitant to join in at first, but since they were mostly kids from her class, she was off as soon as I could tie her hair up!

We left Max's birthday party a little early so that we could meet up with Boomer and Eli at our Sunday School social. Everyone brought their own dinner, and we ate under the pavilion at the church. Then the dads hid Easter eggs in the playground area. Eli knew exactly what to do; he went right to work gathering the eggs. Emmy was very helpful in counting the eggs and helping Eli get to the candy inside. Our Sunday School is mostly other couples with young children, and it was a fun event for both kids and adults.  
Emerson and Emerson - these two have lots of fun together!
Whew what a Saturday! If today was a glimpse of our upcoming spring season, we better pace ourselves for the fun ahead! Everyone should sleep very well tonight! 

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