Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Weekend 2022

Our Easter weekend kicked off with the annual dyeing of Easter eggs with Grammy. (And Grandpa, too!) The cousins had a lot of fun choosing their colors and making their own creations. Eli was a little more involved this year, and luckily the only mishaps were some cracked eggs and dyed fingertips. 

Saturday was my birthday! It was so nice to have the day off from work and to spend it with Boomer and the kids. We went out to breakfast in Winston at a market and coffee shop called Acadia Foods. Then while the boys rested at home, Emmy and I went to the Y and then to the library. In the evening, Grammy came over to watch the kids while Boomer and I had a date night to the Dash. The baseball season is just getting underway, and Boomer was excited to again go to the Flow Club, with the all-you-can-eat food and drinks. Our seats this year are right behind home plate with a table! Combined with the mild 70-degree temperature, it made for a pretty sweet way to watch a baseball game. The Dash unfortunately lost to the Grasshoppers, and we made it home around 9:30PM to relieve Grammy and complete our Easter Bunny duties. Happy 36 birthday to me!

On Easter Sunday, the kids enjoyed discovering their baskets with the goodies inside. After church, we went over to my parents' house for Easter lunch and a surprise egg hunt. Megan and Zack snuck outside to hide the eggs, and the kids were so excited to dash around the yard and collect them. Mom made a delicious pork tenderloin with two types of potatoes, corn, and rolls, and cheesecake for a birthday dessert. 

Happy Easter from the Kennedys!

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