Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring Break: Easter

And now for Part II of our Spring Break! We returned from Tennessee on Wednesday, and the rest of the evening passed quickly as we unpacked, did laundry, and even fit in some yard work. On Thursday, Boomer went back to work and had lots to do to catch up after being away. Emmy and I ran some errands around town - the gym, bank, grocery store, CVS - and then were back home for naptime in the afternoon. After our Tennessee trip, Emmy's nap schedule was interrupted on several days, so I wanted to be sure to get back to our routine. 

On Friday, a stomach bug and babysitting conflicts cancelled the spa day planned with my mother-in-law Cathy and my sisters-in-law Carlin and Darby. With this unexpected change in plans, Boomer quickly came up with a different plan for his disappointed wife: a trip to the Science Center! We timed things perfectly with walking through the outdoor zoo exhibits first and then coming inside for the aquarium and play area just as the rain started to pour down. It is so fun to watch Emmy run from exhibit to exhibit. For this particular trip, she loved the meerkats, the monkeys, and the light switches on the boat in the play area. We renewed our memberships for another year and added Boomer this time. It is certainly a good deal for as many times as we go!
Mommy was there, too!
After the Science Center, we went to Freddy's for lunch - a favorite stop in Greensboro! We were so full from lunch that we weren't very hungry for dinner, so we had ice cream and donuts! 
On Saturday, there was still a chill in the air from the previous day's thunderstorms. We had to bundle up for the Easter egg hunt at the Kernersville Wesleyan Church. We went to this same egg hunt last year, and the kids have fun hunting for eggs and winning prizes. This year, all three cousins won prizes! Zander and Maddox are showing theirs off in the photos - Zander won a baseball bat and ball, Maddox won a Pac Man t-shirt. Emmy won several books and a box of crayons. (Mommy may have helped pick out her prize!) We are still working on the cousin photo shoots - we haven't had the best luck getting them all to smile and stand close together. But we keep on trying! :)
On Sunday, we celebrated Easter and Christ's resurrection. Pastor Rob preached a great sermon on surviving the 'Fridays', 'Saturdays', and 'Sundays' in our life: times of struggle, times of confusion and darkness, and then times of joy and celebration. After church, we went over to my parents' house for another egg hunt and lunch. It was also Zander's 6th birthday, so of course we had cake, too! Uncle Boomer and I got him a remote controlled helicopter, which later got stuck high in a tree! Thank goodness Super Dad Zack got it down and saved the day! Happy 6th Birthday, Zander!
We ended the Easter holiday and Spring Break 2019 with a family jog around the neighborhood. From our Sunday best to Sunday mess, happy Easter from the Kennedys! He is risen!

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