Sunday, October 21, 2018

Sitting on the Step

Well, folks, we have entered a new stage of parenthood: discipline. Specifically, time-out. Up until this point, we have mostly corrected behavior by raising our voices with a sharp "No, ma'am!" or "Emerson Leigh!" Usually our stern tone was enough to elicit tears and the immediate end of the behavior. However, it seems a raised voice will no longer do the trick. On the cusp of Emmy turning 2, the two-tendencies are starting to rear their ugly head, and we are moving toward the uncharted waters of time-outs and crying-it-out. For the first time this evening, I had to spend a few minutes with Emmy pinned to my lap on the bottom step of our stairs. This was shortly after Emmy quite intentionally continued to toss food off of the tray of her high chair. I first raised my voice; then I popped her hand - she didn't seem affected at all! With the next quick toss of her food, I got her out of her chair and did the only thing I could think of: went to sit on the bottom step. Emmy was upset at this point and thrashing about. I kept a very even tone as I told her why we were sitting on the step. We sat for just a few minutes, as Boomer cleaned up the mess and moved her plate to the sink. Dinner was over for her, but Boomer and I returned to eating, while she played around at our feet. I know Emmy probably doesn't quite understand 'time-out' yet, but until we are able to better reason with her, I anticipate more time spent on the step. I have a feeling that this whole parenting thing only gets harder as we try to teach our daughter right from wrong. 

While meals are probably the most unpredictable part of our daily routine, the rest of our days are pretty sweet! Emmy has such a fun personality that reveals itself more and more each day. With the cool temperatures this weekend, we have officially welcomed fall in North Carolina. What a strange month October has been! It started with unseasonably warm temperatures and then two back-to-back hurricanes, which brought a lot of rain and damaging winds in our area. Now it seems that fall has finally arrived. The mornings have been chilly, and the evenings are crisp. It is socks-to-bed, soup-for-dinner kind of weather. With the noticeable change in the seasons, we have enjoyed embracing all the fall activities. Yesterday, we had fun at the pumpkin patch picking out our pumpkin. Emmy also got to pick out two small pumpkins of her own. I may be biased, but she is definitely the cutest pumpkin in the patch! 
We of course love the memories we make on the weekends, but the weekdays are equally special. I try to pause to capture those quick moments Monday through Friday between 5PM and 8PM. In the evenings, Emmy loves bringing all of her toys over to the washer and dryer when we are doing laundry....
 ...and putting diapers on all of her babies...
 ...and going out to dinner with Mommy when Daddy has to work late...
...and reading to her baby and Bobbie...
...and swinging at the neighborhood park...
...and splashing around in the bath. 
I texted this last picture to my mom and sister, and they both responded with bath pictures of their own. Do you recognize these other bath bums? Happy Fall, ya'll!

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