Saturday, April 13, 2024

Play Ball!

Prepare for baseball picture overload! The season is in full swing, and we are at the ballpark almost every night of the week. Both kids have games often two nights a week, with practice on a third night. Just to give you a glimpse of the first week, Emmy's first game was on Monday; both Emmy and Eli had games on Tuesday; Eli had practice on Wednesday; and Emmy had practice on Thursday. And not to mention Emmy is continuing gymnastics, which is on Wednesday nights. Whew! I don't know that I was quite prepared for the commitment of being a sports mom! Emmy is playing in a machine pitch division. In both of her games so far, she has gotten a hit and gotten on base. One hit even brought in a run, yay! Eli is in t-ball, but their coaches often chose to forgo the tee and soft-toss instead. Eli makes great contact with the ball and likes to look to the crowd in celebration. Both kids have done well in the field too. They have stopped the ball and generally known who to throw it to. Here are a few pictures (okay, A LOT of pictures!) from the start of the season!

Today was the Opening Ceremony and team pictures. 

And as if we couldn't get enough baseball, we went to a Dash game last night! It was a chilly evening, but we braved the wind and cold to cheer for the Dash as they played the Grasshoppers. Just before we left, they did a t-shirt toss....and I'll let you guess which kid got the t-shirt and which one didn't! 

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