Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Spring is on the way

The spring sports season is in full swing! A typical week for Boomer now includes several late nights with either baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, or golf - and sometimes a combination of all of the above! I too have had a few late nights with gate duty and our 8th Grade Open House; we are so thankful for Grammy and Grandpa's help on these late evenings! This week, on the night that I had Open House, Emmy enjoyed playing outside, taking selfies with Grammy and Grandpa, cruisin' in the play car, and blowing bubbles. She even tried some chicken nuggets for dinner at Aunt M's house!
My coworkers, Chelsea and Katie, at Open House
Winter sports came to a sad end last weekend when the Forbush Lady Falcons lost in the 2A Western Regional Final (the Final Four) to a team from Burnsville - Mountain Heritage High School. My school, East Surry High School, was also playing in the regional finals for 1A (and is playing for the State Championship on Saturday!) It just so happened that our two schools' games were scheduled back-to-back at the regional site, Lenoir-Rhyne University. After grabbing breakfast at the Biscuit Factory in High Point with my parents, Boomer and I passed off Emmy and headed to Hickory. The first game between the Western 3A boys was packed, so we found a spot to hang out until they let us in for the East Surry game. I didn't take many photos from our day, only one silly selfie when we were waiting for the games to start. We watched the games with our friends Jared and Ashley and then went out to dinner that evening at a restaurant in Statesville. Jared is the principal at my school, so he and Boomer have a lot in common as high school administrators. And Ashley and I have a lot in common as moms and principals' wives. We always enjoy double dates with the Joneses! 
Photo from the 4th Round game against Salisbury - The Forbush principal is so stoic! :)
As full as the weeks are right now, there is so much joy during this time of year. I am enjoying the longer days of sunlight and the warmer temperatures. I love Emmy's excitement to be outside and to go for walks around the neighborhood. Even though there is a schedule to follow and commitments to keep, it's nice to enjoy a few moments in the sun rocking on the front porch. 

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