Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"What's that, Mommy?"

Just a quick mid-week post because these photos are too cute not to share! Boomer and I both have been in awe of Emmy's vocabulary and curiosity. After turning 2 on Saturday, it's as if overnight she has become even more of a sponge. Her social and language skills are definitely taking off. She loves to point at things, 'read' with Mommy, and carry books around with her wherever we go. A few of her new phrases are "What's that, Mommy?" and "one more book." How can I say 'no' to this sweet face!?
There is a cute little two-year-old in there somewhere!
Emmy had her 2-year appointment today, and our healthy girl is growing! She weighed 26 pounds (41st percentile), measured 34.5" tall (77th percentile), and had a head circumference of 47" (18.5 percentile). She loved entertaining herself with the crinkly paper and the mirror, and she was quite a trooper for the finger prick and two shots. She didn't even flinch for the finger prick! She cried for just a few seconds with the shots in her legs, but she quickly recovered when she got a new purple ball. In the last picture, she is showing off her blue fishy band-aid. Hopefully we won't have to make many trips back to the doctor in the months ahead - I hope we can keep her healthy through the upcoming winter season!

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