Thursday, November 1, 2018

Colds and Costumes (again!)

I was looking back at my blog from last October, and "Colds and Costumes" was the title of my 2017 Halloween post. Funny enough, it is an accurate title for this year's Halloween, too! Sadly, Emmy is once again fighting a cold as we try to still do all the fun festivities that come with this time of year. It seems to be just a runny nose and cough, but we are trying to adhere to early bedtimes and nightly medicine to get her back to full health. On Sunday, our church had its annual Fall Festival Trunk-or-Treat. The costumed cousins did a tour of Kernersville first, stopping to see Grammy, Grandpa, Great Grandma Harriet and Great Grandpa Bill, and then to Arbor Ridge to visit Great Gma Nancy and the other ladies there. Before even arriving at the Fall Festival, they already had lots of goodies in their baskets. But how could you turn down these cuties?!
We are very grateful for friends that pass along their costumes. I received this costume months ago, and without looking at it too carefully, I had been telling people that Emmy was going as a lady bug for Halloween. When I pulled it back out of the closet to try it on, I noticed it was not in fact a lady bug, but a STRAWBERRY! Emmy sure made a cute strawberry; we love her berry much!

At the Fall Festival, we walked with the Houstons through the Trunk-or-Treat and also went on a hayride. Emmy wasn't quite big enough for the bouncy houses; maybe next year!
On Halloween, Emmy got lots of candy from school. They had Pajama Day at her daycare, and they trick-or-treated up and down the hallways to the other classrooms. She got quite a haul! Mommy and Daddy let her have some Smarties, which she liked very much. That evening, we stayed at home and handed out candy to our neighbors. Emmy was a good little helper. She liked running her hands through the candy bowl and waving bye-bye (usually after the trick-or-treaters left!) 
A few other snapshots from our week: Emmy loves her new bath baby doll. It has quickly replaced all other bath toys. I now bring two washcloths to bath time, so that Emmy can wash her baby while I am washing her. It's turned into a great learning time as we practice saying the different body parts and pointing to body parts like "face," "belly," "feet," "cheeks," "eyes," or "head." 
I voted early one day after work, and I got stickers for both Emmy and me to wear. This time of year, with all the election ads and campaign posters, certainly reminds me of two years ago when I went into labor on Election Night 2016. In only a few more days, we will be celebrating Emmy turning 2 and yet another election. Where does the time go??

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