Tuesday, February 14, 2017

To all my Valentines

Yesterday was my first day back at work after a 12-week maternity leave. I had marked February 13th on my calendar a long time ago, all the way back in November when Emerson first arrived. It seemed so far off at the time...but before I knew it, it was Sunday night, and I was setting my alarm for work the next day. I could write a whole post on how difficult it was to leave Em on Monday morning and how I cried during my entire commute. I could write about how I missed Em especially in the mid-morning, when I knew she would be her most playful, and then in the afternoon, when we would usually wait for Daddy to get home. I could go on and on about how strange it feels to be away from her, after being with her every second for the last three months, and how weird it is to once again dress in professional clothes. But I could also write about the fabulous support system I have while making this transition, the many phone calls I have received and sweet messages. I could list the numerous loved ones who have checked on me and offered words of encouragement. I want to thank all the 'Valentines' in my life for helping me through this tough thing called being a working mom. 

To my husband, thank you for making the time at home so precious! I enjoyed our Sunday walk around the neighborhood and going out to dinner; it helped to chase away the blues. Thank you for being home early on Monday so that we could spend time together as a family with our little girl. And mostly, thank you for being the other face that I rush home to every evening. 

To my mom, thank you for loving my little girl during this time. I can't imagine how hard it would be to drop her off at a daycare. I know I will have to do that soon, but I am thankful for the bond you will develop with her during these next few months. I've enjoyed our chats and texts throughout the day. I still feel connected to her, and I also feel more connected to you, as I learn more and more about being a mother. 

To my sister, a fellow working mom, thank you for the flowers you sent to brighten my day. You have been a great listener and have encouraged me as I take on this challenge. I look up to you and the way that you juggle everything. I am thankful for the bond that we have as sisters and now as mothers. 

To my friends, I was overwhelmed by the sweet messages, texts, emails, phone calls, and hugs. I feel like I have a huge cheering section, and your prayers were felt all throughout my day. You are my crew, my tribe. 

To my coworkers, thank you for welcoming me back with such excitement. I appreciate your patience as I adjust to being in the workplace again. You have been so kind to let me ease back in to my duties, and it has been nice to see all your smiling faces again. 

Today was easier than yesterday, but still so hard. My prayer is that the time at work will be productive and worthwhile, and I pray that the time at home is meaningful and intentional. I hope I can be my best self when I am at each place.
Happy Valentine's Day from this working mom! :)

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