Thursday, December 23, 2021

Didn't I just do this?

It seems not too long ago that I was potty training Emmy, and now the time has come to potty train Eli. Because they both have November birthdays, I thought I would try the same timing of Christmas break after turning 2. We started on December 21st while Boomer and Emmy still went to school for a few more days. I stayed home with just Eli for Potty Training Boot Camp. On that first day, Eli woke up a bit grumpy, and it was a struggle to get through breakfast. As you can see from the photos, he was a range of emotions. 


I contemplated scrapping the whole plan, but once his mood improved, I decided to push on. One difference between Emmy and Eli is that Eli wasn't very interested in drinking. With the potty training boot camp, part of the strategy is pushing lots of liquids so that they frequently have the urge to go. Juice boxes, water, milk - nothing seemed to interest him. I still took him every 30 minutes to the bathroom, but with Eli not drinking much, he often did not have to go. Aside from nap time, he was in underwear from about 8AM to 7PM, and he had only a handful of accidents. We tried first sitting down, but then tried standing up on Day 2. He seems to like standing up "like Daddy." We've made some progress with him understanding the feeling, walking voluntarily to the bathroom, and being uncomfortable when he is wet. However we've still not had the breakthrough moment where he will go on command when at the toilet. I am nervous about the next few days as we start our rounds of Christmas festivities. Hopefully things will start to click for our big boy!

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