Tuesday, June 16, 2020

7 Months Old

It is hard to believe that we are on the downward slide to the 1-year mark! On Thursday, Eli will be 7 months old. I am posting a few days early because we will be leaving tomorrow for our trip to Florida, and I do not want to miss taking his monthly photos. My little assistant and I had trouble getting Eli to sit still, but I think these photos capture our joyful, playful 7-month E-Guy!
At 7 months, Eli likes jumping in his exersaucer, gripping on to toys, and cuddling with Mommy. He also likes watching his big sister, scooting around the room on his back, and grabbing at anything within reach. Boomer and I think that Eli may be our destructive child. We have noticed that he likes banging his hands on the table and making noises with different objects. We may have to actually baby-proof our house this time around. Eli is all boy, with loud burps and sweaty feet. He is an enthusiastic eater and will quickly finish his bowl of rice cereal or baby food. He continues to like bathtime, which we do about twice a week, usually on Mondays and Fridays. 
He also likes playing with his feet...
...and sucking on his fingers. 
Now that Eli has completely mastered rolling over, he has started to sleep on his tummy some. It surprised me the first time I found him like that in his crib. The saying "back is best" is true in the infant stage, but now that Eli is strong enough to roll back over, I let him sleep however he chooses.
Eli's legs are getting stronger and stronger. He doesn't need any help from Daddy when he is standing in his crib...
...and he is so very proud of himself!
Eli is still in size 2 diapers and is wearing 6 month clothes. He has two teeth on the bottom that came through a few weeks ago, but so far no signs of any others. Bedtime is around 7:30PM, and he generally sleeps until 6:30AM. There are not too many things that Eli dislikes. Besides green beans (our third vegetable which produced a lot of gagging and funny faces), the only thing that comes to mind is that he does not like to be left alone. He will let out little cries if he does not have someone in sight at all times. Our social butterfly likes being around people. He is our laidback, easy-to-please Eli, Bee-lie, Boop-de-boo! 

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