Saturday, March 14, 2020

An Unlikely Spring Break

Since the last time I wrote, there have been big and scary changes in our world. Several weeks ago, the media began covering the spread of a disease called COVID-19, known as "Coronavirus." As the virus moved from China to Italy to now the United States, our nation's leaders have began to take action in what they are terming "social distancing," essentially limiting gatherings to less than 100 people so that exposure to the virus is minimized. The biggest announcement came just a few hours ago as our governor issued a mandate that all public schools close for the next two weeks, with the possibility that schools will remain closed even longer. There is a feeling of uncertainty and fear as everyone is rushing to the grocery stores for staple items and preparing to be at home for an extended period of time. The announcement to close schools comes at the end of my Spring Break. I have been out this past week, and although it has been strange to have such an early break without any of my other teacher friends, I've enjoyed the days off. It has almost been a "bonus" maternity leave of sorts. I've especially enjoyed all the extra snuggles with my sweet boy. 
Eli is growing like crazy! One of the items on my Spring Break To-Do List was swapping out his clothes. I have packed away the Newborn - 3 month, and he is now wearing 3-6 month clothes. It is always quite a chore to swap out the clothes, but I am so thankful for all that we have been given. His drawers are once again full with the next size up. 
Emmy continued to go to school the first four days of the week, and each afternoon we fit in fun adventures like walks with Eli in the stroller, a trip to the library, playtime and a picnic at the park, and a special treat from the cupcake shop near her school. The temperatures were perfect for being outside, so we tried to get outdoors as much as possible. And because we did, it was necessary to do a bath almost every night this week! Then on Friday, Grammy joined us as we went to Kaleideum North, formerly known as SciWorks. Emmy loved dancing on the piano and playing games with Grammy. She is such a fun Grammy!
Throughout my break, there has been an underlying feeling of nervousness and unknown. With all of the uncertainty right now, I am not sure what the next days ahead look like. We can only pray: for our neighbors already in need, for the elderly that are most susceptible to this virus, for our leaders as they continue to make decisions for our country, and for our entire nation as we face this crisis together. 

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