Friday, January 11, 2019

Amphibious? Or is it ambidextrous?

We have been chugging along through the usual day-to-day routine of daycare, work, dinner, bath, and bedtime. We just finished up a full 5-day work week, which was long after our shorter 3-day week following New Years. Why can't every week be just three days?! There isn't too much to report. Boomer's sports schedule has picked up with basketball, wrestling, and swimming in full swing. He had to stay late almost every night this week. We miss Daddy on nights when he is gone (and he misses us!), but luckily Emmy and I enjoyed some extra time with the cousins and with Grammy and Grandpa. Last weekend we spent some time outside since the temps got into the upper 50s. Emmy loved sitting on the front porch in our rocking chairs. 
Emmy also loved going through the car wash after church! 
She still calls the sunroof "car wash." I guess I opened the shield for the very first time while going through the car wash, and now, during every car ride, she says "car wash open." It is so cute, and I don't plan to correct her! :) 

We've had several dry days in a row and even #2 on the potty - yay! Our little girl sure is growing up! I still can't tell if she will be right-handed or left-handed. As you can see here, she uses both hands equally. 
Well, this has been a blog post. Happy weekend! :)

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