Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It's gonna be May

Emmy's last week of dance wrapped up on Monday. At the end of the class, family members were able to go into the studio to watch. Our little ballerina did a great job! Grammy was able to come along, and she was very helpful with wrangling the kiddos. We went to dinner afterwards at "Subways" which has been Emmy's new favorite spot. After much deliberation, I went ahead and registered Emmy for a full year dance class starting in September. It will be a Kindergarten/1st Grade group for Ballet, Tap, and Tumble. Hopefully her enthusiasm for dance will continue through the summer. 

Take 1...Eli the little stinker!

Emmy loves her homemade canopy! When I changed her sheets recently, I didn't realize just how much she had collected inside - stuffed animals, Barbie dolls, her hairbrush, and her Polar Express bell. 

After going to Zander's baseball game last week, we caught one of Maddox's games too. Emmy and Eli shared some donuts from the concession stand and then played on an open field with Uncle Zack. The only way I could get Eli to the car was by letting him keep his cousins' baseball, which he has continued to play with and even sleep with! He has an arm on him, too. We have had to set limits on throwing the ball inside. I think we will have a little ball player on our hands. 

Eli's newest trick is opening and closing doors. He is tall enough now to reach the doorknob, and he will proudly say "I did it!" as he enters. No privacy anymore in the Kennedy house!
Eli continues to love his race cars. He started referring to one of his cars as his "owl car." Upon closer inspection, Boomer and I noticed why....and only after he had already taken the car to school with him. Whoops!

Last Saturday, Boomer and I went to MerleFest. It's a huge annual music festival on the campus of Wilkes Community College. There are tons of traditional bluegrass artists that perform on twelve different stages all throughout the four-day event. At a counselor open house at WCC back in the fall, I won two one-day tickets in a raffle. Boomer and I went back-and-forth about taking the kids along (since kids are free), but in the end, we decided to go kid-free, and it was a fun day just the two of us. Since we have entered the final month of the school year, Boomer has been busy in the evenings with end-of-the-year concerts, school board meetings, and senior nights, so I especially enjoyed a whole day with my hubby.   

While we were at MerleFest, the kids had a fun day at Grammy's and Grandpa's. There was an appropriate amount of spoiling, reading, and fort building. 

One more picture...Boomer's old friend from high school posted on Facebook an article from the Montgomery Herald. I got a kick out of the description of Boomer - apparently he was quite lethal on the basketball court!

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