Just as soon as the Upward basketball season ended, we immediately moved on to baseball! Without even a weekend off in between, Walkertown Little League held their evaluations on the next Saturday after the kids' last basketball games. Eli will be playing t-ball for one more season, so he did not have evaluations, but for Emmy playing coach-pitch 8U softball, there was an evaluation so that two teams could be formed. We were excited to find out that Emmy will be on the same team as some of the girls from the fall softball season, as well as with Smith and Austin from her basketball team. Boomer will be serving double-duty as assistant coach for both kids' teams. He is the best Daddy! After the evaluations, we found ourselves at our favorite Walkertown spot: the Seafood Shack. Now that Emmy is a certified shrimp-fan, it was her request. Then we headed over to Winston to watch the Deacs take on Maryland. It wasn't quite the game we had hoped to see. After making a comeback from a high scoring 1st Inning for the Terrapins, the Deacs gave up a 8-6 lead at the start of the 9th Inning and ended up losing 9-8. It was a heart-breaking defeat. We tried to raise our spirits with some hot-now donuts from Krispy Kreme. They seemed to help a little bit :) Despite this loss for the Deacs, they appear to have a promising season ahead. Hopefully we will see a win our next time to the ballpark. Our weekly schedule for the kids' sports this month will be: Eli baseball practice on Mondays, Emmy softball practice on Tuesdays, Emmy gymnastics on Thursdays, and then practice for both kids on Saturdays. In April, games will begin, and they replace some of the practices, especially on Saturdays and often during the week too. It will be a busy spring for sure, and I love it!
The kids had their first practices this past Saturday. With a 12PM noon practice time for Eli, we grabbed brunch beforehand at the Waffle House before spending the next three hours at the ballfield. Eli's practice is one hour, and then Emmy's lasts for two hours. On Saturday evening, we went with our Sunday School class to the Carolina Thunderbirds game. We saw some exciting action on the ice and cheered on the Thunderbirds. We stayed through the second period, with the Thunderbirds winning 4-1. However, with Daylight Saving Time pushing the clocks forward an hour, we hurried home so as not to lose too much sleep.
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