Well I thought that we were done with all the sickness after Emmy finished her prescription for strep...but the very next day on Thursday, I got a phone call from the preschool saying that Eli had pink eye! Luckily his pediatrician called in a prescription without requiring an office visit, and we started the drops right away. We made it through the end of the week, but then on Saturday morning, Boomer woke up with one of his eyes red and itchy. It was very evident that he had pink eye too. We took it easy on Saturday with some time outside and some card games. Luckily besides the red, itchy eyes, Boomer and Eli felt fine. However, it meant that Boomer had to stay home that evening while I attended my school's Military Ball solo. I missed having him as my date, but I know we still have Prom to look forward to in April. Oh the joys of working in a high school! :)

On Sunday, the Kennedy girls went to church and then went to a birthday party at Safari Nation for our neighbor Rachelle. Rachelle is one year older than Emmy and in 1st Grade. Since Rachelle also goes to Sedge Garden, Emmy knew a few of the other kids at the party. She wasn't shy at all and jumped right in to all the fun. I was so proud of how brave she was going down the slides and the zip line. Between kindergarten and her extra-curricular activities, she is becoming more comfortable in unfamiliar situations, and I love seeing her more confident.

After the birthday party, Emmy and I swung by the house to pick up the boys. Then we headed to Star for a welcome home party for Uncle Matt. Matt returned from deployment at the end of February, and it was the first time that we were able to gather together to celebrate. The kids had a blast riding on Paw Paw's golf cart, playing with Granny's new kitten, and hitting baseballs with their cousins. It was especially cute to see the two grandsons playing together. Trivett was so sweet to throw pitch after pitch to Eli. For dinner, Paw Paw grilled chicken and hot dogs. After dinner, we hit the road back to Kernersville and arrived home around 9PM. It was late for a school night, and Monday morning was a little rough, but knowing that Spring Break is just around the corner has made it a little easier to push through each day this week.

Just a few other photos from our week, Emmy wrapped up the March session of gymnastics. She has enjoyed it so much that we have signed up for the April session as well. Eli is a good sport to tag along and play with his race cars during the 45-minute class. Sometimes these two bicker and fight, but I've also noticed some sweet moments where they are getting along. They even requested to take a bath together this week! Usually Emmy will shower on her own, and then Eli will have a bath afterwards. I know they say that parents never know when it may be the last time something happens, and I couldn't help but think of that saying as they were both splashing around in the tub. It was photo worthy for sure!

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