After our usual running around from school and evening activities, we ended the week with a visit to the doctor....
All throughout the week, Eli had a runny nose and cough. When he woke up on Friday, he was a pitiful mess, so instead of sending him to school, he stayed home with Grammy. He was not much better on Saturday, and he was tugging on his ears and saying that they hurt. I took him to the after-hours clinic that morning. We had to wait about 1.5 hours, and Eli was content sitting in his car seat, which was a sure sign that he was not quite himself. The doctor confirmed that he did in fact have an ear infection. We were sent on our way with a prescription for the next 10 days to hopefully get him back to 100%. He and Boomer stayed home that evening while Emmy and I went to the Williamses' for a birthday party for Luke and Laurel. There were all kinds of fun fall games. Emmy's favorite was the mummy game. She loved having Aunt Megan as her partner. 

We attended another birthday party today. We celebrated Maddox who will turn 7 on Wednesday. He picked the bowling alley for his party, and there was a big crew of friends from school, church, and from his sports teams. Eli and Boomer stayed home from church in the morning, but they joined us at the party for a little bit. Emmy was a sweet big sister to let Eli share her turn when bowling. Together they used the ramp to get the ball down the lane. Uncle Boomer was in charge of the birthday shopping, and so Maddox's present included glow-in-the-dark poop...yikes!
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