Tuesday, February 7, 2017

More 'Firsts'

As we approach the 3-month mark, it is amazing how much Emerson is growing, both physically and socially. She can follow sounds around the room, and she loves to look at lights, whether on a ceiling fan, under her rainforest, or [her favorite] the tv. Her newest trick is 'talking'. She is becoming more and more expressive every day, and she makes the cutest cooing noises and sighs. She also smiles often, which just melts your heart!
This past week, Boomer was away at a conference in Pinehurst (tough life, huh?) so Em and I had some girl time for a few nights. We managed okay, but we were glad for Daddy to come home on Friday. Several of these pictures are ones that I sent to Boomer while he was away. The picture in the top right is from the Super Bowl -- the New England Patriots pulled off an amazing comeback and won in overtime against the Atlanta Falcons 34-28. Em is wearing her cousins' football toboggan. If football is not her sport, Grandpa Buzz is hoping that golf is! With the help of his friend Adonis, Grandpa gave Emerson her very first putter, custom-made in pink. She is already proving to be pretty strong with holding up her head and turning over when she is on her tummy, and I think we may have an athlete on our hands. As soon as she is able to hold that putter, we will have to see if she likes golf!

I had a few 'new mommy firsts' this week. After a workout at the YMCA, I picked up Em from the childcare room, and I was greeted with the dreaded grocery bag of dirty clothes. Em had had a blowout! Luckily, my diaper bag was stocked with a fresh outfit, but it's amazing the damage a little baby can do! Then, after a big shopping trip to Walmart and as I was loading up the car, I noticed a 4-pack of tissues under my cart that I had forgot to pay for! Now with Em's car seat taking up the majority of the space in the cart, I have to put things under the cart, something I rarely did before being a mom. I will admit, there was a split second where I debated going back inside. The devil on my shoulder said there could be a way to pay for it next time. But we made a second trip back inside to pay for it. One last thing, after shopping at Babies R Us, I got out to the car to find that I had left my car keys at the register! Just as I realized my mistake, the cashier was running outside to give them to me. I guess blowouts and forgetfulness are just rites of passage of motherhood! 

Another new thing this week was crib training. Emerson has been sleeping in her crib at night since we came home from the hospital. However, her naps tend to be anywhere EXCEPT for the crib. She may nap in her monkey chair or in the car seat, sometimes even propped up on the boppy. To make things easier for Grammy next week when I go back to work, I've been trying to be more consistent about naps in the crib when we are at home. We've had mixed results so far; she is not on a set schedule yet with napping, but hopefully we will keep improving. I'll continue to be thankful that she sleeps well at night!

This week, we had special visitors from West Virginia. My parents' friends, Leigh and Ethel Shorr, came for a few days, and we had the opportunity to see them. It is no coincidence the name of "Leigh." It is after this Leigh that I received my middle name, and it has since been passed on to Emerson and to my nephew, Alexander "Zander" Leigh. It was great to see them and introduce them to our Emerson Leigh.
Along with the Shorrs, we've gotten together with other friends this week. Last Saturday night, we had a pizza night over at the Williamses. Laurel and Emerson have grown a lot since their first meeting back in November! Em and I also made a short trip to Statesville to meet up with Shawna and her little girl, Kena. Shawna and I have been friends since elementary school, and it was great to get together with our girls! The days of my maternity leave are winding down, but I am trying to soak up every minute with family and friends, and especially with Em!


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