This Christmas season was full of special memories. We have been doing Christmas-y things all month long, but certainly it is the few days leading up to Christmas and Christmas Day that make the holiday so merry and bright. On the evening of Sunday, the 22nd, our church had its Candlelight Service. The service focused on the four themes of advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. During this service, the children join in for "big church" as we sing songs, worship, and light our candles. Emmy and Eli were very attentive, and we even trusted them with their own candles this year. Luckily no hair or clothing was burned! It is always a beautiful sight as everyone in the congregation holds their candles high to sing "Silent Night."


On Monday, the 23rd, we made cookies with Grammy. This longstanding tradition has looked different each year, depending on the ages (and attention spans!) of the children. This year, Zander was a big help with rolling out the dough; Maddox tried to sneak as many bites as he could; Emmy kept track of our quota for trees, angels, snowflakes, and bells; and Eli popped in and out while mostly playing in the living room. Once the cookies were baked, we took a break for lunch and some basketball outside, before finishing off the task of the icing. I think Santa was quite pleased with what he found coming down the chimney.

On Christmas morning, the kids were patient until 7AM, and once Mommy and Daddy gave the go-ahead, they sprinted downstairs to see if Santa had come. They must have been on the Nice List this year, because they both got what they asked for. Eli was thrilled about his race track, and Emmy couldn't wait to make something with her Easy Bake Oven. In their stockings, they got candy, electric toothbrushes, and notepads for playing restaurant, school, doctor, and police officer. Even Mommy had a few surprises under the tree: some of my favorite lotions, creatively wrapped in recycled packaging. Boomer got a new pair of slippers and some socks, very practical gifts for a practical guy.

Around 11AM, rather than heading directly to Boomer's parents' house, we made a stop back home where the kids had some time with their new toys and we all changed out of our pjs. We left again around 1:30PM to go to Star, where we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening. All of the Kennedy grandkids are getting bigger; several have even moved to the adult table for dinner. Granny and Paw Paw made a big feast of chicken, steak, mac-n-cheese, potatoes, and corn. Around 8PM, we headed home to Kville, with full bellies and a full trunk of presents.
It's true that we only have this one Christmas when our children will be as young as they'll ever be. This Christmas may have been my favorite one yet. It didn't feel too rushed or stressful; the whole day had a very comfortable pace to it. I tried to really soak up the magic that comes during this time of year with little ones. Merry Christmas from the Kennedys!